Macklemore and Ryan Lewis: 'Fine, We're Gay!' Because rapper Macklemore and producer Ryan Lewis get so much attention for their surprisingly staunch support of the gay community, particularly with their VMA-winning anthem "Same Love," even the Internet thinks they're gay. (Just type Macklemore into Google.) So of course the subject of their sexuality came up when the hip-hop duo guested on Chelsea Lately last night. Apparently, Macklemore thought he was gay as a kid because he loved the musical Cats . How did he find out he wasn t?
I started using my penis," he tells the host. But when it's revealed that the two men met on Myspace, Macklemore throws his hands in the air and jokingly declares, "Alright, fine, we're gay!" We wish. Watch the gay highlights below.
Tags: Cats, Chelsea Lately, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis